Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Remote Sensing Lab 8

Goal and Background - The goal of this final lab of the semester is to learn how to identify surface features using their spectral signatures. We learn how to collect spectral signatures from satellite images and decipher their spectral graphs.

Methods and Results - We used a image of the Eau Claire region of Western Wisconsin and started looking for the following features:
1. Standing Water
2. Moving water
3. Vegetation
4. Riparian vegetation
5. Crops
6. Urban Grass
7. Dry soil (uncultivated)
8. Moist soil (uncultivated)
9. Rock
10. Asphalt highway
11. Airport runway
12. Concrete surface (Parking lot)
We went through the image and digitized polygons of the each of the features, then using the Create Signatures tool we were able to create graphs of their spectral signatures. Below in figure 1 you can see each of their individual signatures (Click to zoom in). Each feature has a distinctive signature that can be used to identify them using remote sensing.
fig 1

Sources - All satellite images provided by Cyril Wilson.